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US and China pledged to work together on climate change 

US and China pledged to work together on climate change 

The US and China have agreed to boost climate cooperation over the next decade, according to a joint declaration made at the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow. The two countries are the world’s two biggest CO2 emitters, and the announcement is a recognition of the urgency of action needed to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C. The joint declaration includes a range of measures to tackle climate change, such as reducing methane emissions, protecting forests, and phasing out coal. The two countries have pledged to work together to achieve the 1.5C temperature goal set out in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The wind energy sector is expected to play a key role in the transition to a low-carbon economy.

The agreement is a recognition that there is more agreement than divergence between the two countries on climate change, despite being global rivals on a number of issues. The announcement is a strong boost to the COP26 summit, which has been grappling with the challenge of how to limit global warming to 1.5C. The two countries have held more than 30 virtual meetings on climate change, and are expected to hold a virtual meeting as early as next week. The agreement is a recognition that the world needs to take urgent action to tackle climate change, and that there is a massive gap between the efforts of countries to limit emissions to date and what science says is necessary for a safer world.

In conclusion, the joint declaration by the US and China is a significant step towards tackling climate change. The two countries have recognized the need for urgent action to limit global temperature rises to 1.5C, and have pledged to work together to achieve this goal. The measures outlined in the joint declaration, such as reducing methane emissions and phasing out coal, are important steps towards a low-carbon economy. The wind energy sector is expected to play a key role in this transition. The announcement is a recognition that there is more agreement than divergence between the two countries on climate change, and is a strong boost to the COP26 summit.