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Danger of plugging generator into dryer outlet

Danger of plugging generator into dryer outlet

Generators are a great source of power during times of emergency, such as when the power goes out due to a storm or other natural disaster. However, it is important to be aware of the potential danger of plugging a generator into a dryer outlet. This type of outlet is not designed to handle the large amount of electricity that a generator produces and could potentially lead to a fire or other serious damage. 

To avoid such risks, it is important to use the proper outlets and wiring when connecting a generator to your home’s electrical system. In this article, I will explain the potential dangers of plugging a generator into a dryer outlet and offer some tips on how to use a generator in your home safely. Let’s start!

What is backfeeding?

Plugging a generator into a dryer outlet, also known as backfeeding, is a dangerous and illegal way to power your home during a power outage. Electricity usually comes into your house from outside through special lines, and then it goes to your outlets, lights, and appliances. Backfeeding happens when people use a special cord to connect a generator to a regular plug. 

This sends electricity into your house in a way that’s not safe. It can even try to send electricity to your whole neighborhood, which is really risky and might be against the rules in some places. They sometimes call this special cord a “Generator Backfeed Cord” or “suicide cord,” but using it is a bad idea because it can be really unsafe for you and your community’s electrical system.

Dangers of Backfeeding Through The Dryer Outlet 

“Electricity can be dangerous. My motto is better a live donkey than a dead lion.” 

Samuel Morse

Here are the dangers of backfeeding your home’s electrical system through the dryer outlet:

Risk to Workers

Using a generator in the wrong way, like plugging it into a regular outlet, is very risky for utility workers. They might get hurt because they expect electricity to flow differently. This could lead to serious injuries or even death. It’s a big danger because it puts workers’ lives at risk.

If workers get hurt because of this, you could get in trouble with the law. They might take you to court for creating a dangerous situation. It’s not just risky; it can also have legal consequences.

Not Very Safe

Even if you try to make things safer by turning off the main switch, someone could accidentally turn it back on. This would bring back the danger of high electricity on the power lines and could even shock people inside your home. It’s a risk that’s hard to eliminate completely.

Now, let’s talk about the other dangers:

Generator and Grid Compatibility

When your generator and the main power grid work together during a power outage, they need to be in sync. If they’re not, your small generator can’t handle the big power grid, and that can cause problems. It’s like a small car trying to race against a huge truck. Plus, if lots of people use generators at the same time, it can create even more problems.

Unplugging Danger

If someone unplugs your generator by accident while it’s connected to the dryer outlet, it can be really dangerous. The unplugged plug can still have a lot of electricity, enough to give bad shocks or even start fires. This is especially dangerous for kids, pets, or anyone who touches the unplugged cord.

Uncertain Circuit Breaker Performance

Regular circuit breakers may not work as expected when electricity flows in the wrong direction. Manufacturers can’t promise they’ll protect you in these situations. This uncertainty can lead to electrical problems, overheating, and fires.

Mismatched Outlet Protection

If other outlets are on the same electrical line as the dryer outlet, they might not handle the generator’s power properly. Your generator can provide 30 amps of protection, but these outlets may only handle 15 or 20 amps. This mismatch can cause overloaded circuits, overheating, and fire risks, especially if you connect lots of devices to those outlets.

Generator vs. House Circuit Breakers

It’s not clear if the circuit breaker on your generator is better at protecting you than the circuit breakers in your home’s electrical panel. This uncertainty raises concerns about how well the generator’s internal circuit breaker can prevent electrical issues and keep your home safe.

It’s crucial to understand these dangers and take safety measures to have a safe setup during power outages.

Safety Considerations for Connecting a Generator Through a Dryer Outlet

When connecting a generator to your house through a dryer outlet, several safety considerations are crucial to prevent accidents. 

  • First, remember that backfeeding power into your home’s grid can endanger utility workers if the main breaker isn’t off, potentially causing electrocution. 
  • Additionally, power from a generator may be out of phase with other sources, leading to equipment damage and fire hazards if not synchronized. 
  • Moreover, backfeeding means the generator’s plug constantly carries a dangerous level of electricity, unlike regular outlets, so unplugging it during operation can result in serious injury. 
  • Always prioritize safety and follow proper procedures when using a generator to avoid these risks.

Connecting a Generator to Your House: A Step-by-Step Guide

Connecting a generator to your house can provide essential backup power during outages, ensuring your household remains functional and comfortable. Whether you’re preparing for emergencies or planning to power your outdoor activities, following these instructions will help you set up a reliable source of electricity for your house.

Step 1: Generator Preparation 

Before connecting your generator, get it ready. Find a safe place outdoors for it, far from windows and vents. Put it on a flat surface. If your generator has been sitting for a while, check the manual – it might need a few minutes to warm up before use.

Step 2: Prioritize Ventilation 

Generators make a harmful gas called carbon monoxide. So, always use your generator outside. If you have to use it indoors, open windows and doors to let fresh air in. Consider a carbon monoxide detector to stay safe.

Step 3: Main Power Breaker Shutdown 

Now, let’s make sure it’s safe. Find your main power breaker, which is often near your electric meter. Turn it off. This is really important because it stops electricity from going back into the power lines, which can be dangerous for others and your generator.

Step 4: Generator Connection 

Time to connect your generator. You’ll need a special cable that fits the generator and your dryer outlet. Check local rules – in some places, using a dryer outlet may not be allowed. If you can’t find the right cable, you might need to make one from parts you can buy.

Step 5: Adjust Breaker Switches 

Now, go to your home’s breaker box. With the main breaker still off, turn on the switches for the things you want to power, like lights or appliances. Make sure you also turn on the switch for your dryer.

Step 6: Activate Home Power

Finally, start your generator. Check that it’s running smoothly. Before you rely on it for power, double-check that you followed all the steps in the right order. Safety always comes first.

By following these steps carefully, you can connect your generator to your house safely, providing power during outages without putting yourself or others at risk.

Safety Tips for Using a Generator Correctly

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin

Here are some safety tips for using a generator correctly:

  • Use Outside: Always use your generator outside where there’s fresh air. Generators make a gas called carbon monoxide that’s harmful if breathed indoors.
  • Keep Air Flowing: Make sure there’s space around your generator for air to move. Don’t put it near doors, windows, or vents.
  • Read the Manual: Read the booklet that comes with your generator. It tells you how to use it safely.
  • Turn Off Main Switch: Before you connect your generator to your home, turn off the main power switch. This keeps your generator’s power from going back into the power lines.
  • Use Right Plugs: Only use the plugs and cords made for your generator. Don’t try to make your own.
  • Check It: Keep your generator in good shape by checking the oil, fuel filter, and spark plugs regularly.
  • Ground It: Make sure your generator is safely connected to the ground.
  • Keep Dry: Protect your generator from rain and water with a shelter.
  • Get Help: If you can, have a professional install a switch to use your generator safely.
  • Store Fuel Safely: If you have extra fuel, store it in safe containers away from fire sources.
  • Keep Away: Make sure kids and pets stay away from the generator when it’s running.
  • Know the Rules: Learn the rules in your area about using generators, especially during power outages.

Following these simple tips will help you use your generator safely and avoid problems when the power goes out.


While generators can be a valuable source of power during emergencies, it’s crucial to be aware of the potential dangers associated with plugging them into dryer outlets, also known as backfeeding. This unsafe practice can pose risks to utility workers, lead to legal consequences, and create safety hazards within your home. 

To ensure a safe setup, always use proper outlets, follow local regulations, and prioritize safety measures, such as turning off the main power breaker and providing proper ventilation. By following these precautions and guidelines, you can harness the benefits of a generator without compromising safety during power outages.